How everyday could be your birthday…
We all love birthdays, don’t we? The thought of our birthday brings to our minds an image of happiness, cheer and laughter around us, there’s so much positivity in it! Well, to all those who wonder what’s the big deal about birthdays, it’s just another day in life, trust me, when the day arrives, you would definitely feel overwhelmed and happy with all the wishes pouring in, so many people talking nice about you, celebrating you. All the attention is on you, just you and you would just feel on top of the world with that sort of overwhelming attention, importance and positivity. But, have you ever wondered what makes them so special?
What’s all the hype about? I would rather say birthdays are made special with all the attention that we get on that day. The day itself might not hold as much significance, but it is the people around us that make it so significant. With wishes pouring in from the strike of 12 and everyone bringing back all their good memories with you in the form of photos, captions, stories, social media posts, you just get to relive and reminisce all the good parts of your life in such a short span!
It’s literally all good things flooded in 24 hours, making you feel overwhelmed with happiness, good memories and attention. People even go out of their way to talk nice things about you, making it seem like there’s no flaw in you at all! Most of them could be true, at times we only realise those good things in us only when someone mentions them on such occasions, and it just makes us feel so proud, good and makes our life feel more meaningful. Birthdays are like a short span in a dream world, one that’s on par with heaven!
What if I tell you that you could actually make each day feel like your birthday? Of course, it is possible. There’s just one small thing you gotta start doing and this will definitely happen.
Start appreciating the good things in life and the people around you. Make an affirmation to make one person happy everyday, to appreciate just one good thing about them. Just that, and you could change your world! Appreciation begets more efforts than criticism. When you appreciate someone, it doubles up as a motivation for them, to work harder to get that appreciation more. In short, appreciation is like money. You always want more, and you start working more for it.
If you notice even a tiny effort in the positive direction, always take time to appreciate the concerned person. You blurt those words in less than a minute, but those words stay with that person for a lifetime, making them happy, positive and motivated. If you want someone to do better, appreciate them for what they are doing and then point out what they could do to be better, instead of criticizing them directly.
This instantly makes them feel valued and as a person that shows them that value, you are respected too. This helps us get rid of all those hard feelings and reduce atleast one negative thing in our lives. Not only are you making them smile, you smile too. In the end, you get more people in your life to turn to, you make someone’s day, they would make it someday for you. And that’s how you create a better world.
What are you waiting for? Just go out, utter those golden words and make your loved ones feel more special, make you colleagues feel more valued and make that random stranger feel happier. This is the least we could do to create a more positive bubble and stay together in these testing times. Whom are you appreciating today?